






Our Objectives

In India, illegal immigration has emerged as the most sensitive problem. People who cross borders illegally do so in a way that violates the immigration laws of the country they are going to.

These illegal immigrants are a big setback for India since they are degrading the country’s youth, which is contrary to our desire for India to be a country entirely owned and administered by Indians.

Create awareness among Indian youth and fellow Indians.

Rehabilitate Indian youth who became drug addicts.

Help in providing employment to Indian youth.

Identify illegal immigrants.

Educate Indian youth regarding menace of drugs

Protect our society especially youth from falling in traps spread by illegal immigrants.

Protect our society especially youth from falling in traps spread by illegal immigrants.

India is not ‘Dharamshala’ (Charitable Shelter Home)

India is not a ‘Dharamshala’ (Charitable Shelter Home) for illegal immigrants like Rohingyas, Bangladeshis & Nigerians who are intruding into our mother land for settling down.  Rohingyas and Bangladeshis are not only involved in crimes like theft, dacoity etc. but also, they are working as sleeper cells and informers to the Pakistan based terrorist organizations.  Nigerians are not only involved in drug trade but also doing internet fishing/frauds and making our youth drug addicts.  These illegal immigrants are permanently settling in our country by including their names in the “Voter List” illegally also.   Therefore, these illegal immigrants become clear and present danger to the safety, security and resources of our motherland “India”.  Let’s join hands and throw away these illegal immigrants from our motherland because “India is only for Indians”.

Meet Our Council

Our organization truly cares for India and Indians. India for Indians is built in order to protect our society and retain its culture. We go beyond simply wanting India to be solely owned by Indians and are standing by the commitment we have made. This organization not only guards against criminal activity but also defends the rights of Indians. 


Youth being the most vital group in a country, our organization aims at spreading awareness through various means such as conducting seminars in the colleges, providing a helpline and many more initiatives.


India for Indians supports people who are already caught in their web or are about to become so. We will not only assist them in detecting the issue, but also enroll them into rehabilitation facilities so they can resume living a happy life.

Advocate Charanjeet Singh Bhalla

Advocate Charanjeet Singh Bhalla

Kelly Ayotte

Kelly Ayotte

Jacob Noah

Jacob Noah

Jacob Noah

Jacob Noah

Our Organization Truly Cares for India & Indians

Performing illegal activities illegal immigrants are destroying India’s core by targeting our youth.  Despite the fact that Indian culture and way of life remained pure for centuries, these illegal immigrants sell drugs to Indian youth.   Our organization truly cares for India & Indians.  India for Indians is built in order to protect our society and retain its culture.  We go beyond simply wanting India to be solely owned by Indians and are standing by the commitment we have made.  This organization not only guards against criminal activities of illegal immigrants but also defends the rights of the Indians.

Our main motive is to “Educate” society about Drugs, especially Indian youth being the most vital group in the country.  Our organization aims at spreading awareness through various means such as conducting seminars in the schools, colleges, providing a helpline for youth and many more initiatives. 


Approximately 700,000 ethnic Rohingya refugees fled their home country due to a campaign of targeted violence that the Myanmar military began in August 2017 and sought shelter in Bangladesh, which is only across the border. 


The Nigerians are illegally living and working in India. Throughout India, several prisons are detaining about 5000 Nigerians. Performing illegal activities these groups have been destroying India’s core and targeting the youth. Despite the fact that Indian culture and way of life have remained pure for centuries, these people are encouraging Indian children to use drugs and smoke cigarettes.

Our main motive is to educate society about the Drugs,Youth being the most vital group in a country, our organization aims at spreading awareness through various means such as conducting seminars in the colleges, providing a helpline and many more initiatives.

What’s Happening in Our Own Country

भारतीय पासपोर्ट के साथ बांग्लादेशी दबोचे  मा-बेटी ने जाली दस्तावेज से बनवाया था पासपोर्ट, कई चुनाव में मतदान भी किया था

भारतीय पासपोर्ट के साथ बांग्लादेशी दबोचे मा-बेटी ने जाली दस्तावेज से बनवाया था पासपोर्ट, कई चुनाव में मतदान भी किया था

भारतीय पासपोर्ट के साथ बांग्लादेशी दबोचे मा-बेटी ने जाली दस्तावेज से बनवाया था पासपोर्ट, कई…

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सात और बांग्लादेशियों को वापस भेजा –  टूरिस्ट वीजा खत्म होने पर एजेंटों के जरिये भारतीय दस्तावेज बनवाने की प्रक्रिया में जुटे थे

सात और बांग्लादेशियों को वापस भेजा – टूरिस्ट वीजा खत्म होने पर एजेंटों के जरिये भारतीय दस्तावेज बनवाने की प्रक्रिया में जुटे थे

जागरण संवाददाता, नई दिल्ली: राजधानी में अवैध रूप से रहने वाले बांग्लादेशी व अन्य विदेशी…

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Let’s join hands

Together We can Make Something Great!

“India for Indians supports people who are already caught in their web or about to become so.  We will not only assist Indian youth and other Indians but also enroll them into rehabilitation facilities so that they can resume living a happy life and render their services to the mother nation.


  1. If you think that someone is an illegal immigrant.
  2. If you think that any Indian youth or Indian citizen needs our help.
  3. If you think our organization can help in any way.

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